See & Do
Home / See & Do
Connemara and the Islands offers a wide range interesting activities to enjoy while exploring the spectacularly scenic region on Ireland’s wild west coast.Ā Swing your shot on one of our many golf courses, cast your hook upon our abundant rivers and lakes or paddle your kayak along our rugged coastline. Make your trip a memorable experience and get inspired to explore Connemara and the Islands!
Arts ~Culture~Music EalaĆn & CultĆŗr & Ceol
Attractions Ionad Cuairteoireachta
Beaches TrƔnna
Boat Trips -Turas BƔid
Conference Management
Day Tours Turas Lae
EispƩireas Gaeltachta Gaeltacht Experiences
Fishing and Angling Iascaireacht
Hiking & Wallking SiĆŗlĆ³ireacht & Spaisteoireacht
Learn from a Local Eolas AitiĆŗil
Outdoor Activities GnĆomhaĆochtaĆ faoin aer
Points of Interest -PointĆ SpĆ©isiĆŗla
Scenic Flights
Scuba Diving TomadĆ³ireacht
Shopping SiopadĆ³ireacht
The National Monuments of Ćrainn
Tour Organiser & Guides EagraĆ Turais & TreoraĆ
Visit an Island Tabhair Cuairt ar OileƔn
Water Sports SpĆ³irt Uisce
Weddings – Bainis
Wellness FollƔine