Trá an Dóilín (Coral Beach) An Cheathrú Rua

Trá an Dóilín

Trá an Dóilín is a Blue Flag Beach situated just outside the village of An Ceathrú Rua in the heart of the Gaeltacht.

The beach is  is known for its fine white coral and clear blue waters which are ideal for swimming and snorkelling.

Things to do nearby

The area is perfect for scuba diving and snorkelling.

There are three looped walks in the area.

Scáileanna na mBád (Shadows of the Boats)
at Trá an Dóilín by sculptor Edward Delaney (1930-2009). Edward Delaney lived in An Cheathrú Rua for a time and had a sculpture park there. His best-known works include the 1967 statue of Wolfe Tone, famine memorial at St Stephen’s Green in Dublin and the statue of Thomas Davis in College Green.


From Galway City head west on the R336, past An Spidéil and on towards Casla. Turn left at Casla on the R343 towards An Ceathrú Rua Carraroe. Continue straight through the village and follow the sign for the beach.

If you want to travel by public transport take the 424 Bus Éireann service from Galway City towards An Cheathrú Rua (Carraroe)

Trá an Dóilín

Is Trá le Brat Gorm é Trá an Dóilín atá suite garr go sráidbhaile na Ceathrún Rua i gcroílár na Gaeltachta.

Tá cáil ar an trá mar gheall ar a coiréal mín bán (is gairbhéal bithghineach atá sa trá seo seachas coiréal ) agus uiscí gorma soiléire atá oiriúnach le haghaidh snámha agus snorcallú.

Rudaí le déanamh in aice láimhe

Tumadóireacht scúba agus snorcallú.

Tá trí shiúlóid lúbtha sa cheantar.

Scáileanna nBoats)
ag Trá an Dóilín leis an dealbhóir Edward Delaney (1930-2009). (Shadows of the Boats) Bhí Edward Delaney ina chónaí ar an gCeathrú Rua ar feadh tamaill agus bhí páirc dhealbhóireachta aige ann. I measc na saothar is cáiliúla dá chuid tá dealbh Wolfe Tone ó 1967, cuimhneachán gorta ag Faiche Stiabhna i mBaile Átha Cliath agus dealbh Thomas Davis i bhFaiche an Choláiste.


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