Explore Corr na Móna

Cornamona is located in the west of County Galway. It gets its name from the fact that much of the land is bogland (moin). It is part of the Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking region) in Galway. The village lies on the north of Lough Corrib. It is a popular site among trout and salmon anglers and is one of the most scenic areas of Ireland. The eastern edge of the area comes down to the shores of the Corrib while the western edge borders the scenic upland area of An Mám, the Maam Valley and the Maumturk Mountains. An Sean Bothar (the Old Road)- This is a recently developed 10 km paved road stretching from Cornamona to Clonbur north of the current R345.It is best suited to walking, however it can be cycled. It offers stunning views of Lough Corrib. It is graded as ‘easy’ although some of the hills are quite steep. It should take about 2.5 hours to walk.

Tá Cor na Móna in iarthar Chontae na Gaillimhe. Eascraíonn ainm na háite as chomh fairsing agus atá portaigh ann. Is cuid é de Ghaeltacht na Gaillimhe agus an tsráidbhaile ar an taobh thuaidh de Loch Coirib. Tá tóir ar an áit ag iascairí breac agus bradán agus é ar cheann de na háiteanna is áille in Éirinn. Tá an taobh thoir den cheantar ag síneadh leis an gCoirib agus an t-iarthar ag síneadh le hairde cheantar an Mháma, Gleann Mháma agus Sléibhte Mhám Toirc. Tá forbairt déanta le gairid ar an seanbhóthar a shíneann 10km ó Chor na Móna go dtí An Fháirche, ó thuaidh de bhóthar an R345 atá anois ann. Is fearr é a shiúl cé gur féidir bualadh ar do rothar freisin. Tá radharc breá as ar Loch Coirib. Siúlóid ‘éasca’ é, cé go bhfuil cuid de na cnocáin géar go maith. Tabhair 2.5 uair duit féin lena shiúl.

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