Woodland Symposium Interface Inagh

Woodland Symposium Connemara

Woodland Symposium Interface Inagh , Connemara

The Woodland Symposium Connemara offers a unique opportunity to view the nature project at Interface Inagh at Recess.
2pm, 1st June – FREE

Woodland Symposium at Interface Inagh

Artists, Ecologists & ArchaelogistsĀ 

A team of artists have been invited to make work reflective of the planned restoration of Sitka Spruce to native woodland.They are being led by ecologist Marie Louise Heffernan and archaeologist Michael Gibbons.

The intention of the project is to initiate a slow-art response with longevity. This will evolve with the slowly changing ecology of the site.
The group of artists will return year on year, with artists dipping in and out over the years so we can look forward to other Connemara Woodland Symposium.
Since 2021, Interface has been partnering biannually with ATU Connemara to deliver interventions by the students in the forest environment.
The involves the students engaging with designer Peter Sheehan as well as with one of the international artists in residence at Interface.

Artists taking park in the Connemara Woodland Symposium

Brett Sroka | Christine Mackey | Linda Schirmer | Noelle Gallagher | Sarah Roseingrave | Helena Doyle | Amanda Thompson



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