Connemara National Park Cládóir Sheep Heritage Event

Cladoir Sheep Heritage Event

The Cladoir/Claddagh Preservation Committee is hosting a heritage day for Cladoir/Claddagh Sheep at Connemara National Park. Cladoir/Claddagh Sheep will be on display with some other heritage breeds.

There will be demonstrations and workshops by wool artisans using Cladoir/Claddagh wool. Cladoir/Claddagh Sheep were renowned for their high quality wool. On the day, Cladoir/Claddagh wool will be processed from a fleece into a finished garment. There will be demonstrations of carding, spinning, weaving and knitting of Aran patterns with the Cladoir/Claddagh wool. Members of the public will be invited to try their hand at carding, spinning, weaving and knitting. The traditional practice of hand shearing of sheep will also be demonstrated by a member of staff at Connemara National Park.




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